Technical Photography

I have recently been looking into ways of publishing a Technical Photography Guide I had written for the programme I am working at. This guide has to be published under a CC License and be available online. Thankfully, after quite a bit of research, I came across a number of amazing online projects such as Gitbook and Penflip that allow an author to write content in Markdown and publish it in diferent formats (epub, pdf etc.).

While I am not a professional photographer per se, as an Art Conservator I am quite experienced in different Technical Photography methods and techniques and I do believe that such knowledge should always be made available to peers for free. I have unfortunately come across “professional photographers” in the past that were quite secretive and/or reluctant to make their knowledge available to their peers.

Well, all I can say is “stay tuned”!

→ 29 October 2016

Aphorism #2

One of the greatest misconceptions in Art Conservation is the notion of “reversibility”. One has to understand that interventive processes are rarely, if ever, reversible. How can the removal of a material, which is subject to the same ageing mechanisms as the aged materials it was chosen to replace, remain reversible through time?

→ 17 September 2016